How The Change Makers Community began…

When we founded The Change Maker Group in 2015...

We knew that we wanted it to be different from the familiar model of change consultancies. To this end we determined that we would have a unique business structure. As such, we do not earn profits for shareholders and decided that we would put 100% of our profits into supporting Change Makers through The Change Makers Community.

“Our purpose is to develop Change Makers everywhere, so they can change their world.”

The Change Makers Community helps fulfil that Purpose.

Our strategy is to grow and manage The Change Makers Community alongside the commercial activities of the Group, thereby fully-funding it as a non-commercial operating division of The Change Maker Group.

As a not-for-profit organisation, everything The Change Maker Group does is in pursuit of our Purpose. We are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, thus democratising change so that everyone in business and society can contribute to shaping the future.

We’re also pleased to be supported by our partner, SmartUp, who provide the app to access our free microlearning.

We want your ideas

The Change Makers Community is there to support you, the Change Makers.

What do you need from The Change Makers Community to help you be the best you can be? Please let us know by clicking the Get in Touch button.

Take a look around the rest of the site to find out more.