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How can I get involved?

Whether you’re an active Change Maker or a ‘would like to be’ Change Maker, we’d love you to get involved by joining our global family of Change Makers on our Facebook community, sharing your stories and successes, enjoying our blogs and making use of our free information and learning.

If you have ideas of how The Change Makers Community can support you, or you have a question we might help with, get in touch. We’d love to chat.


Are you on Facebook?

Join our Facebook community of Change Makers and share your news, ideas and questions on change…

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Our community of Change Makers is growing every day. Join The Change Makers Community Facebook group and connect with your fellow Change Makers around the world to get your daily dose of inspiration and support! We showcase stories and news and share our thoughts, tips and free resources here. We are all here to help each other, so come and join the conversation!

Click here to join

Like to read? Want to keep up with latest thinking on change…?

Our Insights articles about change and being a  Change Maker to inspire you and make you think…

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People tell us our articles stretch their thinking; give them fresh insights and different perspectives; educate and inform them; make them laugh; and above all uplift, challenge and inspire them.

Our articles will keep you ‘in the know’ and up to date on the latest thinking and conversation around change. With regular blogs from around 30 change experts, you will never be short of a thought provoking read!

Click here to read our articles

Want to learn more about being a Change Maker? Want to ‘SmartUp’ ?

Take a look at our FREE microlearning resources for Change Makers

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We offer all Change Makers, FREE access to a unique portfolio of bite-size learning ‘SmartUp’ modules.

You can access our ‘SmartUp’ modules 24/7 on any web enabled device – mobile phone, tablet, laptop or PC.

Designed to engage, inform and stretch you, our micro modules are quick and easy to use and regularly updated to ensure you have the latest thinking on a wide range of subjects about making change happen.

If you are a new Change Maker, you will find lots here to you get started and on your way. And if you a more experienced Change Maker, you will find plenty here to take you to the next level.

Find out how to access SmartUp

Are you a member of a charity or voluntary organisation? Do you need support to deliver change in your organisation?

We offer 2-hour ‘Change Maker U’ sessions, FREE for your organisation.

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Change Maker U is a fun, interactive workshop to inspire people to make a greater social impact by being the best Change Maker they can be.

As part of our mission to develop Change Makers everywhere, we offer you a FREE two-hour Change Maker U workshop for a local charity or community group of your choosing.

There are Change Makers everywhere who are striving to do great things, and through Change Maker U we want to help. Change Maker U is delivered at no cost to our clients or their chosen beneficiary and is carried out using The Change Maker Group’s own resources.

If you are involved with a charity or volunteer organisation that would benefit from a Change Maker U Workshop

Get in touch

Are you on a Charity or Voluntary Organisation Board? Do you want to get involved in a support structure?

We know that Charitable and Voluntary organisations face an unprecedented challenge to their viability along with an increased risk of closure. We know you need to be able to balance ‘normalising’ and operating  alongside continued emergence and evolution to survive and prosper.

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We have set up The Strategic Change Board to support leaders of changing organisations.

Based on the principles of Napoleon Hill’s Mastermind thinking, we bring Chief Executives and Board members together to share ideas, consider challenges and explore opportunities. ​

They are proving to be extremely popular. Attendees really appreciate the safe space for support and challenge with others.

We will invite attendees from selected charitable organisations to share their experiences, challenges, and insights into running their organisation during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Strategic Change Boards incur a nominal charge. Each member of the Board will receive an invitation to 6 sessions and a complementary Change Maker Profile. The sessions are 90 minutes and will tackle your most pressing strategic challenges and opportunities.

Key to working together effectively will be mutual trust, and a commitment to the idea of ‘Givers Gain’​.

Read more about Strategic Change Boards or Contact us to discuss and find out more

Change Maker Hero? Is it YOU? Or do you know someone who is?

How about sharing your story so other change makers can learn and be inspired?

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Sometimes it’s good to share our own Change Maker stories to help and inspire others

Sometimes being a Change Maker can feel lonely and we need to read inspirational stories to motivate, inspire and energise us.

Read some inspiring stories here

Share YOUR story with us here