The Possibilists
The Change Makers Academy

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What is The Change Maker Group's proposal?

Whether Possibilists are an active Change Maker or a ‘would like to be’ Change Maker, we’d love to support them with a Possibilists Change Makers Academy.

Built on events and activities that are already delivered in various guises through The Change Makers Community, the non-profit division of The Change Maker Group, we would hope that the Academy would grow over time with additional features to support Possibilists.

The Change Maker Group is a change consultancy, with the Purpose “to develop Change Makers everywhere, so they can change their world”. We apply 100% of our profits through The Change Makers Community to support Change Makers in delivering great things for their charities, communities, voluntary groups and themselves.

Find out more about our proposed opportunities for The Possibilists below, including how they map on to delivering on the recommendations in the Report. We would love to have a chat about how we can make this real for all Possibilists.

We will set-up Peer-to-Peer boards to support groups of Possibilists.

The Possibilists are experts in what they do. They can all support one another. That’s where our Peer-to-Peer boards come in.

Supports recommendations : All

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Peer 2 Peer Boards

What are they?

  • A 6-session facilitated programme of action learning
  • Each session is 90 minutes
  • The Possibilists share current challenges and opportunities and the whole group generates insights and ideas for consideration.

Our Offer

Based on the principles of Napoleon Hill’s Mastermind thinking, action learning is a powerful mechanism for learning and for designing and planning new activity. Facilitated conversations exploring challenges and opportunities from the diverse perspectives of all participants generates amazing insights.

As the sessions unfold, specific topics may emerge which prompt the introduction of a mini masterclass ahead of the action learning, but only if there are a number of participants who would benefit from this addition.

Why They Work

The shared learning generated by the participants in a confidential, safe, environment enables all participants to open up and think through topics they are unable to explore elsewhere.

The skilful facilitation of our experienced Change Makers creates a safe space for transparent communication and constructive challenge. Recent Boards run with Charity leaders in the UK enabled participants to steer their way through the tricky period of the first and second pandemic lockdowns.

Key to working together effectively will be mutual trust, and a commitment to the idea of ‘Givers Gain’​.

Do Possibilists want to learn flexibly, online, and for free? We have microlearning.

Take a look at our microlearning resources for Change Makers.

Supports recommendations : 1, 3, 4, 7

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We offer all Possibilists, access to a unique portfolio of bite-size learning ‘SmartUp’ modules.

You can access our ‘SmartUp’ modules 24/7 on any web-enabled device – mobile phone, tablet, laptop or PC.

Designed to engage, inform and stretch Change Makers, our micro modules are quick and easy to use and regularly updated to ensure you have the latest thinking on a wide range of subjects about making change happen.

If you are a new Possibilists, you will find lots here to you get started and on your way. And if you a more experienced, you will find plenty here to take you to the next level.

Find out how to access SmartUp

Helping you be resilient

The Possibilists need to be resilient. Here’s how the Change Makers Academy can help.

Supports recommendations : 1, 3, 6

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Mind Chi – For Resilience and well-being

What is It?

  • A daily 8-minute, 8 step routine
  • It incorporates cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the science of happiness and psychology of wellbeing into one daily practice
  • Mind Chi is an internationally best-selling book.

Regular Mind Chi re-trains and rewires the brain for awareness and control over thoughts, emotions, and actions thus enabling individuals to build, manage, and direct their mental energy to become more resilient and increase success in life

Our Offer

We offer Mind Chi based resilience support for individuals and teams to help build, manage and direct mental energy for enhanced:

  • Resilience – bouncing back from inevitable setbacks
  • Performance
  • Motivation
  • Happiness
  • Creative thinking and decision making
  • Well-being as a way of life

How will it work?

We envisage FREE introductory workshops run monthly at varying times to cope with time zones. These can also be a ‘refresh’ session for Possibilists who want a reminder.

We can also include this as a topic in one of our ‘clinics’ to explore resilience further.

Following attendance at a workshop individuals will have access to our Mind Chi microlearning module for support with their daily practice.

It's always good to chat with people who make change their career.

The Possibilists have access to The Change Makers Academy’s regular clinics.

Supports recommendations : 1-7

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Change Leader “clinics”

What are they?

  • A series of hour-long FREE interactive “clinics”, exploring a specific aspect of change
  • Each session to explore an agreed theme, led by one of our experts
  • Possibilists members supported to deep-dive into their own change environments
  • “Clinics” enable Possibilists to build their own change leadership toolkit

Our experts all have their own change leadership specialisms.  In the first clinic, Possibilists can suggest aspects of change that they would like to explore. These will be curated into topics for the coming series of clinics. One of the defining features of our work is our desire to collaborate – we would be delighted to co-produce events with the Possibilists and other speakers.

Our Offer

We would offer our experts to canvass and curate those themes most important to the Possibilists.  Our experts would also lead regular discussions, each themed specifically to meet attendees’ needs, and facilitate a highly-interactive Q&A session so Possibilists attending can apply the thinking to their own unique circumstances.  This can all be supported by microlearning modules.

How will the clinics work?

Our experts will lead and facilitate the “clinic” sessions.  The range of experts would reflect our breadth of expertise.  Likely broad themes we could offer are:

  • leadership in a time of change;
  • personal resilience in change;
  • team resilience in change;
  • managing growth in your organisation;
  • building and leading winning teams;
  • Leading hybrid teams; and
  • strengths-based leadership of change.

These “clinics” align well with our Change Makers Academy Peer-to-Peer boards, where solutions are developed in a shared supportive environment facilitated by one of our change experts.