Whether Possibilists are an active Change Maker or a ‘would like to be’ Change Maker, we’d love to support them with a Possibilists Change Makers Academy.
Built on events and activities that are already delivered in various guises through The Change Makers Community, the non-profit division of The Change Maker Group, we would hope that the Academy would grow over time with additional features to support Possibilists.
The Change Maker Group is a change consultancy, with the Purpose “to develop Change Makers everywhere, so they can change their world”. We apply 100% of our profits through The Change Makers Community to support Change Makers in delivering great things for their charities, communities, voluntary groups and themselves.
Find out more about our proposed opportunities for The Possibilists below, including how they map on to delivering on the recommendations in the Report. We would love to have a chat about how we can make this real for all Possibilists.